31 Aug 2024
2024 DeWalt FIM Speedway GP of Poland - Wroclaw
Wroclaw, Poland
Wroclaw’s Olympic Stadium staged the first-ever FIM Speedway Grand Prix event in 1995 and it's only fitting that it welcomes SGP action in the series' 30th-anniversary year. It also hosted the first F... Read more
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Wroclaw Top four
One of Poland’s most beautiful cities, Wroclaw is the perfect place for a weekend speedway city break. Wroclaw’s main square is lined with bars, cafes and restaurants and is a great spot to take in the pre-event atmosphere and catch up with fans from all around the world. The city is set across a number of islands and Ostrow Tumski (Cathedral Island) is one of its most beautiful. Wroclaw Zoo and Afrykarium and the Museum of Games and Computers of the Past Era are both popular attractions, and don’t trip over the famous Wroclaw Dwarfs! The cheeky bronze characters pop up throughout the city’s streets.
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